Wednesday, 20 May 2009

In Gabs...

Just a quick message to say I'm in Gaborone, Botswana (see map below) and currently staying at Ciaron's house!

Packing was rather stressful, I have far too much crap with me that I might have to leave here or send home. Here is most of it:

Spot the cat (he didn't want me to leave).....

There was a bit of panic on the night before I left when we brought the rucksack I was going to use from the garage to find this:

Mice really don't like me.

I'll probably be hitting the road next week and travel North, although theres some stuff in the West of Botswana that I'd like to do. Ciaron has the day off work tomorrow so we're heading into the bush.

I'll update again soon!


Monday, 11 May 2009

Leaving soon...

Dear... Internet?... World?... Blog?


I leave the country in....

Forgive the shitty little countdown thing, couldn't find a good'un that worked...

Yes, I'm off soon. I'm still not packed, although I am strangely well-prepared. There's only one or two things beside packing the rucksack left to do, and the only thing so far that comes to mind right away is: get a haircut. And maybe a shave. An inexhaustible income is also needed.

Welcome to me Blog thing.

Here is where I will post stories on miraculous escapes from wilderbeast, hilarious anecdotes about thick-o American tourists and the odd "I'm stuck in ______, please send more money" messages.

Look back here every now and then for updates if and when you can be bothered. (Please don't glue yourself to this page Mum) You never know, I might get eaten by a lion!
