Friday, 31 December 2010

Packed...... ?

Everything is now in the rucksack and SOMEHOW.... I'm rather under weight! Though I'm sure I've forgotten something....

[x] Monkey
[x] Rucksack
[x] Daysack/Ramblesack (Thanks Richard)
[x] Penknife
[x] Sleeping Bag
[x] Thermarest
[x] Boots
[x] Shades
[x] Platypus
     Electrical gear:
      [x] Camera + Charger
      [ ] Tripod
      [x] Phone + Charger
      [x] Spare Phone
      [x] iPod
      [x] Earphones
      [x] Laptop + Charger
      [ ] Freeloader
[x] Clothes
[x] Buffs
[ ] Moneybelt
[x] Document holder thingy
[x] Duct tape
      [x] Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
      [x] 1984 by George Orwell
      [x] Puckoon by Spike Milligan
      [ ] USA by Lonely Planet
[x] First Aid Kit

I need some sleep!


Im now at the pre-putting things in the rucksack stage. This basically consists of sitting next to the rucksack and assorted shite scattered around and procrastinating.

It seems to be going well

Tuesday, 28 December 2010


[ ] Monkey
[ ] Rucksack
[ ] Daysack/Ramblesack
[ ] Penknife
[ ] Sleeping Bag
[ ] Thermarest
[ ] Boots
[ ] Shades
[ ] Platypus
     Electrical gear:
      [ ] Camera + Charger
      [ ] Tripod
      [ ] Phone + Charger
      [ ] Spare Phone
      [ ] iPod
      [ ] Earphones
      [ ] Laptop + Charger
      [ ] Freeloader
[ ] Clothes
[ ] Buffs
[ ] Moneybelt
[ ] Document holder thingy
[ ] Duct tape
      [ ] Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
      [ ] 1984 by George Orwell
      [ ] Puckoon by Spike Milligan
      [ ] USA by Lonely Planet
[ ] First Aid Kit

Please note that packing has not started yet. This is a bad thing

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Leaving Again Soon

Hello! Been a while since my last trip (an agonising year and a bit). I returned from Africa in October 2009, and returned to work for Blacks temporarily - that temporary return turned into a year. Never, ever, ever under any circumstances work in a clearance store!

So anyway - from January I will be in the USA. I've signed up to volunteer in the Grand Canyon - trail maintenance, fencing and re-vegetation among the projects. I'm told there's a lot more to it than that, but it will be a lot of hard work, and I'm really looking forward to it. For every 4 days on project you get 3 days off - sometimes it may be 8 days working then 6 days off in return. In my free time I hope to do a bit of travelling - from the base in Flagstaff, Arizona, you can get to Los Angeles, Vegas or a number of other places quite easily. I can't wait to get on that open road.

The project ends two days before my birthday - then I have 3 full weeks before my visa ends in which to travel the US - the plan for that will very much be formed on a whim!

So I come back to the UK in April - the plan from then is to start planning for New Zealand. I have tickets to see John Cleese in June (which will be AWESOME), so I am free after that. You can get a working holiday visa for a year until you're 30, and with various film projects (i.e The Hobbit!) and a rugby world cup going on it shouldn't be too hard to scrounge some sort of job while out there.

After that, who knows? I may go to Australia, or there might be a chance to extend my stay in New Zealand. Something that will always be on the to-do list is my return to Africa. I feel that my time in the beautiful place will never be over. My car took nearly a year to be fixed and is now sold - I now no longer own a Mitsubishi Pajero Jr called Colin ;-( Though this is quite sad and depressing to me, I really, really hope to get back out there soon. The BIG PLAN has always be to go from Cape Town to Cairo then back to the UK. This will be a long and expensive trip, but will be as relaxed as I want. ONE DAY - definitely!

So there it is - updated blog, new design! I've not booked my flights yet - work buggered up my pay AGAIN, so it will have to wait until they sort themselves out until I can afford them. (Twats).


The countdown begins.....