It's the remains of an extinct volcano, and is used as a public playing fields, as well as other public events. Most notably, the Auckland War Memorial Museum sits at its highest point, the crater rim.
It's quite a lovely part of Auckland; you can see quite a lot of the surrounding areas of the city, as well as some of the taller structures in the centre.
Here's a few pics that I took....
(Click them to make them bigger!)

There you go! The latter is a personal favourite....
Oh, wait, you wanted an update?
There's not really much to tell you. Since Victoria went home I've mainly been busy with work, work, work! It's not really been much of a 'travelling' trip this one. I wish it had been, but New Zealand is quite expensive, and I suppose I've just not had the motivation to go away. I've bloody enjoyed my time at Bivouac, so at least it's not all bad. The rest of New Zealand ain't going nowhere - one day I'll be back and see even more of this beautiful, brilliant country!
See you soon - roundabout the end of May, perhaps?
Dey tuk er jrrrrrrbs!