Saturday, 27 August 2011

Two Years Ago Today

This happened:

I apologise for the poor quality of the picture. It was taken on a crap phone camera with a shaky hand. You can read the whole story here.

One thing that I didn't really get across in the post about that night: I should have died. That crash should have killed me. But it didn't. I survived. And I've never felt more alive than I did at that point.

Come to think about it, I've honestly never felt so alive than the whole of the time I spent in Africa. Which is important to remember. For example, the whole of last year, 2010, was the worst year I've ever had. My whole time was spent at Blacks & Millets; I managed to somehow lose sight of what I should have been doing: what makes me happy.

Which is what I'm doing now! I'm enjoying myself in New Zealand, trying to get a flat and job sorted out, hopefully by the end of next week. As for Africa - next time, definitely.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you got out of that but thank god you did. Love you. x x x
